IR Thermographic

Building Diagnostics Projects

Project Details

IR Thermographic Envelope Assessment / Air Tightness Testing – ECU Dental Health Clinic

Sylva, NC

An excessive amount of outside air had been required in order to maintain a slight positive pressure within the newly-constructed building. HICAPS reviewed project as-built drawings to gain an understanding of various construction details with specific attention given to areas of transition in the pressure boundary. Potential discontinuity issues were identified for further confirmation during the on-site inspection. While the building was depressurized using blower door fans, an IR thermal imaging camera was used in accordance with ASTM E1186 to identify air leakage pathways through the building envelope. Whole building air tightness testing was performed according to ASTM E779 and the US Army Corps of Engineers Air Leakage Test Protocol for Building Envelopes. Air leakage rate and Equivalent Leakage Area were calculated and compared to ASHRAE 90.1 parameters to determine whether or not excessive envelope leakage was preventing the building from maintaining a slight positive pressure under normal operating conditions.

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