Marine Corps Air Station Ground Operations Trainer Facility
Building Diagnostics Projects

Building Diagnostics Projects
Project Details
Air Barrier Quality Control Inspections, Air and Water Window Penetration Testing
The HICAPS Inc. Building Diagnostics department provided air barrier quality control services for the P680 Cargo Loading Tower Project for a Marine Corps Air Station Ground Operations Trainer Facility in Jacksonville, NC, in the winter of 2022. First, a design review was performed for each building, assessing the completeness of plans regarding air barrier transitions and the continuity of the entire air barrier system. These reviews helped to identify any potential issues for RFIs if needed.
Next, a pre-construction conference was held with sub-contractors involved in the construction or penetration of the air barrier system and its substrates. The work of each subcontractor, the sequence of installation, and the overall responsibility of ensuring airtight joints, junctures, penetrations, and transitions between materials was discussed. The installation mockup is then inspected, and construction details are reviewed.
Field Pull Adhesion Testing is performed on the mockup, and adhesion values are compared with the manufacturer’s established minimum values, if accessible. A written report with photographic documentation and test results is then provided within 5 days.
Construction inspections occur in accordance with the ABAA QAP protocol at 5%, 50%, and 95% of air barrier installation to confirm design compliance, compliance with material manufacturer’s instructions, and continuity of the entire air barrier system.
HICAPS, Inc. provides all test equipment and materials required to complete this scope of work.